Kim Heng Offshore & Marine Holding Limited - Annual Report 2015 - page 45

Navigating Challenges • EMBRACING DIVERSITY | ANNUAL REPORT 2015
Corporate Governance Report
As at the date of this Report, the Company does not have a fixed dividend policy. In considering the form, frequency
and amount of dividends that the Board may recommend or declare in respect of any particular year or period, the
Board takes into account various factors including:
The level of the Group’s cash and retained earnings.
The Group’s actual and projected financial performance.
The Group’s projected levels of capital expenditure and other investment plans.
The Group’s working capital requirements and general financing condition.
Any payouts of dividend are clearly communicated to shareholders in public announcements and via announcements
on SGXNET when the Company discloses its financial results. The Company has proposed a one-tier tax exempt final
dividend of 0.3 Singapore cents per ordinary share in respect of FY2015, subject to shareholders’ approval at the
forthcoming AGM.
The Group supports and encourages active shareholders’ participation at general meetings. The Board believes that
general meetings serve as an opportune forum for shareholders to meet the Board and key management personnel,
and to interact with them. Information on general meetings is disseminated through notices in the annual reports or
circulars sent to all shareholders. The notices are also released via SGXNET and published in local newspapers, as well
as posted on the Company’s website.
The Company’s Constitution allows all shareholders to appoint proxies to attend general meetings and vote on their
behalf. Presently, the Company’s Constitution does not allow a shareholder to vote in absentia by mail, email or fax.
Separate resolutions on each distinct issue are tabled at general meetings and explanatory notes are set out in the
notices of general meetings where appropriate. All Directors including Chairman of the Board and the respective
Chairman of the Board Committees, the Management, legal professionals and the external auditors are intended to be
in attendance at the forthcoming AGM to address any queries of the shareholders.
The Company will record the minutes of general meetings that include substantial and pertinent comments from
shareholders relating to the agenda of the meetings and responses from the Management. Such minutes will be made
available to shareholders upon their written request.
The Company will put all resolutions to vote by poll at general meetings and an announcement of the detailed results
of the number of votes cast for and against each resolution and the respective percentages will be made on the same
The Company has in place internal codes of conduct and practices for its Board members and employees on securities
transactions while in possession of price-sensitive information and their conduct of business activities.
(Rule 1204 (19) of the Catalist Rules)
The Company has complied with Rule 1204(19) of the Catalist Rules in relation to dealings in the Company’s securities
by the Directors and all employees of the Group.
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