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Prospectus Summary

(extracted from the Offer Document)


Invitation in respect of 174,000,000 Invitation Shares comprising 160,000,000 New
Shares and 14,000,000 Vendor Shares as follows:

  1. (i)  3,000,000 Offer Shares at S$0.25 each by way of public offer; and
  2. (ii) 171,000,000 Placement Shares at S$0.25 each by way of placement,

payable in full on application.


An indicative timetable is set out below for your reference:

Indicative Date and Time Event
14 January 2014, 5.00 p.m. Commencement of the Invitation
20 January 2014, 12.00 noon Close of Application List
21 January 2014 Balloting of applications, if necessary (in the event of oversubscription for the Offer Shares)
21 January 2014 Commence returning or refunding of application monies to unsuccessful or partially successful applicants
22 January 2014, 9.00 a.m. Commence trading on a "ready" basis
27 January 2014 Settlement date for all trades done on a "ready" basis

The above timetable is only indicative as it assumes that the date of closing of the Application List is 20 January 2014, the date of admission of our Company to Catalist is 22 January 2014, the SGX-ST's shareholding spread requirement will be complied with and the Invitation Shares will be issued and fully paid-up prior to 9.00 a.m. on 22 January 2014. The actual date on which our Shares will commence trading on a "ready" basis will be announced when it is confirmed by the SGX-ST.

The above timetable and procedure may be subject to such modifications as the SGX-ST may, in its discretion, decide, including the decision to permit commencement of trading on a "ready" basis and the commencement date of such trading.


Estimated amount for
each dollar of the gross
proceeds from the issue of
the Invitation Shares (cents)
Use of the proceeds from the issue of New Shares
Capital expenditure for enhancement of yard facilities and fleet expansion 20,000 50.00
Expansion of business scope via investments, acquisitions and strategic alliances 7,000 17.50
General working capital 9,400 23.50
Net proceeds from the issue of New Shares 36,400 91.00
Expenses to be borne by our Company
Listing and processing fees 43 0.11
Professional fees and expenses 1,620 4.05
Underwriting and placement commission and brokerage 1,300 3.25
Miscellaneous expenses 637 1.59
Gross proceeds from the issue of New Shares 40,000 100.00

For more details, please refer to the Offer Document

Kim Heng Business

Kim Heng - Business

Offshore Renewable Construction

HDD entails the implementation of a dirigible, trenchless technique and design for the installation of underground cables and pipelines. Kim Heng being an experience turnkey HDD contractor, is capable to undertake the seamless integration of Front End Engineering Design (FEED) by offering a one stop solution on outfall projects.

Kim Heng - Business

Marine Construction

Upon confirmation on the types of foundations to be used at site, Kim Heng can undertake the full turnkey construction project in our very own fabrication shipyards which are equipped with modern construction facilities and machineries to fabricate customized large steel structures and equipment.

Kim Heng - Business

Shipbuilding & Engineering

As part of a good maintenance program throughout the entire project lifespan, Kim Heng can provide self-constructed, locally flagged and operated CTV vessels and offshore support vessels equipped with walk to work gangway to ferry GWO-trained service engineers and technicians to service offshore wind turbine operation.

Kim Heng - Business

Offshore Chartering, Towage & Transportation

Our long term strategy is to enhance our competitiveness & capabilities to own and operate a comprehensive fleet of AHTS, AHT, Tugs & Barges and Fast Crafts to provide anchor handling operation and other support services for your offshore operation needs.

Kim Heng - Business

Offshore Oilfield Services

With over 50 years of marine & offshore experience, Kim Heng has been a trusted partner in the provision of port agency services, rig towage & mobilization, rig repair, steel structure fabrication and maintenance of rig drilling tubulars & equipment.